Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Budget cuts cause workers to scramble.

In today's New York Times, in a story titled "States Seek Laws to Curb Power of Unions,"we have Governors across the country talk about cutting salaries and pensions for public employees.  Such a spectacle of preference.  Our public officials won't sacrifice the income of the very wealthy in a tax - not even 3 percentage points, not some compromise either, say 1 1/2 percent.  Instead, they bow and scrape to those who fund their campaigns and allow them to perpetuate themselves in their phony baloney jobs. They take it out of the hides of working men and women.  They compromise their pay and their retirement and their ability to bargain for better when they can act together.  Now doesn't that just make your blood boil? 

John P. Flannery

1 comment:

  1. It is all about union busting. Now that the power of unions in the private sector is much diminished, the next target is public sector unions. Pathetic, when you take into account that public sector unions have almost no bargaining power because they have no practical ability to strike. Pay and benefits in the public sector are only fair, not because anybody's arm has ever been twisted.
