Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Speaker Boehner cries again - but soon it will be our turn

Rep. John Boehner, the tan-faced 53rd speaker of the House, pledged "to give government back to the people" earlier today. 

As usual, he was a tad vague about which "people" he meant.

Unable to control himself, at the faintest sign of approval by his party cronies, he cried at his investiture - pushing his "George Hamilton" tan into a large white handkerchief. 

I don't know about you but I really think he should check his meds or something. 

Imagine what these hardy Republican "mad men" would have said if Speaker Pelosi shed a single tear for anything.

You may remember what people thought when Senator Hillary Clinton had a moment of empathy on the campaign trail?

The difference I believe is that Speaker Pelosi, Senator Clinton, and many other Dems, men and women who have fought for the middle class their whole life long, and for the poor, really do care to make a difference for all the people.

Boehner is a manipulative power hungry hypocrite, at the service of high funded contributors.

Consider his own advertising and how it stands up.

He claims to come from the poorest people in Ohio, but he has set a course to roll back the health care for his poorest and oldest constituents, for children, and for those with pre-existing medical conditions, and it's the first thing he's set out to do.

Sounds like he's more concerned about the insurance industry that has buyer's remorse after agreeing to the health care proposal.

What's remarkable is Boehner will fight like mad to roll back healthcare, while enjoying the privileges of doctors and medical care on call at any time of the day or night as a member of the House of Representatives.  I've seen members run to get meds and attention for the common call when I was a Hill rate.  How often do us common folk do anything like that?

Boehner has not made it a secret that he wants to take "a hard look" at social security and medicare. 

As a member of Congress, Speaker Boehner's retirement is secure - even without his chamber of commerce handlers.  But what about those people in Boehner's old neighborhood or the rest of America.

Those of you who have been paying into this social security system your whole life, grab the banister or something to hang onto, because Boehner and his band of merry men want to pull the rug from beneath your feet at an age when you can't run the 440 quite as fast as you once could. 

They want to raise the retirement age, reduce benefits, make them based on your income, and encourage 401ks - and we all know how much better a 401k is to the certain benefit you expected from social security; oh yes, forget about that COLA as well.

Today is Wednesday, what will Congress do next - after some of them hear the Constitution read aloud?

No mystery there. 

The new Republican Congress, headed up by his tearful majesty, shall push through a series of roll backs on health care, perhaps even a bill privatizing social security, and whatever other hair-brained legislation they believe will please their crazed base of latter day self-described t-party revolutionaries.

Next, the Senate will have to review their hellish handiwork, and we can expect the Senate will stop this wrong-headed series of initiatives dead, either with a filibuster that drags on painfully, or a series of short and sweet no votes (if McConnell can suppress his inner child), and, however that happens, with much sturm und drang, or more pacificistically.  In either case, that means it means that President Obama won't have to veto any of this "just say no" legislation.

Some of you may remember when Pinocchio Boehner said the election was about jobs. 

This from the guy who opposed unemployment insurance, funds for teachers and students, and a lot more.

The fact is this election was never about jobs for the middle class for Rep. Boehner. 

And its not about giving the government back to all the people.

It was what it's always been about for Speaker Boehner and that's about securing the levers of power for the large financial interests including the insurance industry that underwrite and manipulate Boehner and his henchmen. 

Boehner cried today, faux tears in my opinion, but we'll all be rubbing our eyes and crying for real if this nation doesn't demand that our congress govern instead of campaign for 2012.

John P. Flannery


  1. However, let's not forget there are still faux Democrats in both houses of Congress (even though many of them in the House lost last year despite their best efforts to hide their spots). Certainly, Republicans hoping to fool people into believing there is something new about this latest regurgitation of Reagan/Bush would love to snag a few Ben Nelsons, Joe Manchins and Heath Shulers along the way.

  2. jimmy Jazs, you're right. there are faux democrats that compromised the agenda in the last congress. and we put winning over philosophy in the silly election season. so we still have those types. we have a splendid tradition of allowing enemies of our philosophy to sit in our caucus when we have no good reason for doing so. no, i didn't mention joe lieberman by name. But there's a candidate. In the category of organized usurpers of common sense and decency,the boehner cohort takes the prize.

    John P. Flannery
